Bystritskaya Ekaterina Sergejevna. Born in 1978. Graduated from Saratov State University 2000 with MA in Philology. Lecturer for Chernyshevsky’ SSU and Lomonosov’ MSU, editor in chief for Moscow translation agency and mother of two kids restoring after life-changing crisis she enrolled to illustration courses with Bratec Lis Art and Illustration School in 2012.

   2014  awarded as the winner of the Best Lermontov Illustration Competition by Tarkhany Lermontov Museum. Finalist of VII IC New Kids’ Book and finalist of International Art Competition Fomenar Prize 2017. Work Alexander is currently located in Tarkhany Lermontov' State Museum; works - War Icon and Planet of People - are part of Osten Museum artwork collection. Some works are in private collections. Participant of such international exhibitions as Book Illustration-2015 (Russia), Time Maze-2016 (Russia), Osten Biennale of Drawing (Macedonia), Botanicals (online), The Art of Doll-2016 (Russia), Fumetto – 2017 (Switzerland), Premio Fomenar-2017 (Spain), Marler KunstStern-2018 (Germany), Kunstschimmer – 2019 (Germany), Berlin OpenAir Gallery – 2019 (Germany), Believe – 2021 (Canada+online).

Worked on illustration packages for Jungian philosopher Helene Bassil-Morozov’s and for Dr Ryazanov’s books.

   Completed professional retraining as a psychologist and art-therapist. Author of art-therapeutic MC Practical Magic of Your Dream  first presented at All-Russia Children’s Books Festival in 2017-2018.  Currently is working on articles on art-therapy devoted to colours in human culture and their influence on people’s minds.

   Citings in local and international media: Delovoy Okrug magazine, Territoria newspaper, Bogorodskie Novosty TV, Regional Neu Ulmer newspaper.

Married, mother of two teenagers.